Master's of French, 2003 (in United States) Bachelor of arts, 1993 (in United States)
Brevet Technique Secretariat, 1987 (in France)
Zen Meditation
Give us a chance. You may be very, very surprised
Anlor Davin

Hi. I am Anlor Davin. In the past 20 years, I have been practicing meditation in the Soto zen lineage, and this practice has transformed me to the core. Of course, I am and will always be autistic; it is a part of my "true nature," which is a Buddhist term. I have to live with it the best I can, accept my limitations, and celebrate the other uplifting aspects of autism. The study of zen is a bottomless study, one that intimately takes a look at the inner and outer worlds, and their complex intertwining of light and shadow. This interest motivated me to offer a chance to share meditation with others. Three times a month, I host an Internet Autistic Meditation via zoom, which is free, and for neurodiverse people as well as friendly/allied populations. It is a lot for me to handle. I do it because I so want to share this practice. In my experience, it can be most helpful, despite being difficult at the same time. (For example, it goes counter to distracting oneself with this or that). Most everyone who has a steady, regular meditation is also changed for the better.
Anlor Davin
There is a sign-up form on our website, autsit.net. For the past ten years, I have been living near San Francisco with my partner, who is also an autism self-advocate and a meditator. I have a son. He is currently 28 years and was born in the United States. He does not live far, and we are good friends. I can count on him. We call or see one another regularly. In my country of origin, France, my mother is still alive, and I have a married brother with children. In Canada, I have a sister and another niece. I do not see them more than once every few years, now that I have more strength. Since my autism diagnosis and the book, I wrote: “Being Seen,” both my brother, my sister -and their families - have been closer.
Ever since I became aware I was different, I have been searching for the reason(s). My book tells this better; it is a complicated story. Eventually, in my forties, I came to be in extreme physical pain -with unexplained severe pain in my left side- while at the same time, my sensitivities to all stimuli went through the roof. When a social worker helped me receive Social Security Disability, I was automatically enrolled in Medicare two years later. I was thus finally able to see -with the help of a friend- a neurologist who diagnosed me. I started to revive, little by little; I am so grateful.
A steady meditation practice allowed the wheel of my life to turn back on track: I slowly began to receive help in several ways. First of all, having a monthly financial stipend and proper medicine. Later I also started to have better health insurance and could get treatment for the physical pain in my upper body, dental, and eye care.